In general, IDEA uses a "develop by intentions" concept.

But in the end, I suspect you'll find the built in IDEA features work fine once you get use to their paradigm. List of hotkeys is shown in Help > Keyboard Shortcuts (list is extended from time to. extra :: Contains settings and key bindings not present in Spacemacs, but that may be useful in the IntelliJ platform.
Intellij key bindings show intents android#
In Android Studio this works: Go to File->Settings->Editor->CodeStyle->Java. See its instructions for more information. Key bindings Intellimacs is composed of three modules: spacemacs :: Contains Spacemacs settings and key bindings that can be replicated with a similar behaviour in the IntelliJ platform. Select Java editor settings for Intellij Select values for Tabsize, Indent & Continuation Intent (I choose 4,4 & 4) Then Ctrl + Alt + L to format your file (or your selection). It lists "emulates Eclipse's imports optimizing" as a feature.
Intellij key bindings show intents code#
In the following screenshot, no "StringUtils" class is imported yet.Īlternatively, type the class name and then hit Alt+ Enter or ⌥+ Enter to "Show intention actions and quick-fixes" and then select the import option.Īlthough I've never used it, I think the Eclipse Code Formatter third party plug-in will do what you want. For static methods, you can even just keep typing the method you want. This works the same if I was typing the name of a constructor. When I select the one I want and hit enter, IDEA will automatically add the import statement. Notice the fully qualified names to the right. Use code completion and select the particular class you want: You can also add classes and packages to exclude from auto importing to make a class you use heavily, that clashes with other classes of the same name, unambiguous.įor classes that are ambiguous (or is you prefer to have the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" option turned off), just type the name of the class (just the name is OK, no need to fully qualify). If you enable the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" in Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import, IntelliJ IDEA will add them as you type without the need for any shortcuts. Rather it has the ability to do such as you type. IntelliJ IDEA does not have an action to add imports. In order to be successful creating advanced plugins, this is what I suggest: Read thru the Introduction to creating IntelliJ IDEA plugins in detail. I searched an equivalent shortcut in google, StackOverflow, IntelliJ IDEA configuration and in the official IntelliJ website Keyboard Shortcuts You Cannot Miss To illustrate, Im looking for something similar to what ms word does when alt is pressed (, ), but extended to encompass everything on screen. In NetBeans, this is done with Ctrl + Shift + I. Here’s a list of tweaks you need to make with default system key bindings so that they won’t interfere with IntelliJ IDEA actions (listed in brackets). I was wondering if there is a feature/plugin that would, on a certain key combo, show shortcuts for all available buttons/interactables on screen. In Eclipse, while coding in Java and press Ctrl + Shift + O auto import all the Classes automatically.